Monday Meetings from 9:00am to 11:00am ET

Job Search Focus Group is an all-volunteer outreach for professionals in career transition that has been providing education and support to the community for over 30 years. There is a guest speaker each week presenting a topic relevant to professionals navigating today's job market.

Visit for the calendar of events.

First-time visitors can contact Nan Stricker at 513-519-3756 to learn about the benefits of JSFG and how to get started. Or just join us for a meeting. No pre-registration is required. | Linkedin: JSFG of Cincinnati | Twitter: @jsfg_cinti | Instagram: @jsfg_cinti | FaceBook: Job SearcFocus Group @jsfgcincy

Events Calendar

The winter weather policy when meeting face-to-face for Job Search Focus Group: When the Cincinnati Public School System is closed or delayed, JSFG will be cancelled and closed that Monday. Online meetings are not affected by the weather.
Check the WCPO weather school closings/delays at:

Recurring Events


HR Roundtable

Open to all | No cost to attend. The meeting has an HR/Business topic and networking opportunities.

Steve Browne | Human Resources, LaRosa's |

When and where: Monthly on 1st Tuesday | 8am Scarlet Oaks | 3266 E Kemper Road Sharonville, OH 45241

PF's Gang

Open to Sales, Marketing, PR, and Communications Job Seekers. Industry-specific networking.

Pat Frew | Covington Business Council |

When and where: Monthly on 4th Wednesday | 11:30am Skip's Deli in Towers of Kenwood | 8044 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236


Northern Kentucky Accountability Group 

Open to all: Augment your job hunt with KCPL resources & support.

Natalie Ruppert | Moderator/Manager, Career & Job Services Division/Librarian.
859-962-4099 |

When and Where: Most Wednesdays | 9:15-11:30 am. Kenton County Public Library | 401 Kenton Lands Road Erlanger, KY 41018