Monday Meetings from 9:00am to 11:00am ET
Job Search Focus Group is an all-volunteer outreach for professionals in career transition that has been providing education and support to the community for over 30 years. There is a guest speaker each week presenting a topic relevant to professionals navigating today's job market.
Visit for the calendar of events.
First-time visitors can contact Nan Stricker at 513-519-3756 to learn about the benefits of JSFG and how to get started. Or just join us for a meeting. No pre-registration is required. | Linkedin: JSFG of Cincinnati | Twitter: @jsfg_cinti | Instagram: @jsfg_cinti | FaceBook: Job SearcFocus Group @jsfgcincy
Events Calendar
Recurring Events
HR Roundtable
Open to all | No cost to attend. The meeting has an HR/Business topic and networking opportunities.
Steve Browne | Human Resources, LaRosa's |
When and where: Monthly on 1st Tuesday | 8am Scarlet Oaks | 3266 E Kemper Road Sharonville, OH 45241
PF's Gang
Open to Sales, Marketing, PR, and Communications Job Seekers. Industry-specific networking.
Pat Frew | Covington Business Council |
When and where: Monthly on 4th Wednesday | 11:30am Skip's Deli in Towers of Kenwood | 8044 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236
Northern Kentucky Accountability Group
Open to all: Augment your job hunt with KCPL resources & support.
Natalie Ruppert | Moderator/Manager, Career & Job Services Division/Librarian.
859-962-4099 |
When and Where: Most Wednesdays | 9:15-11:30 am. Kenton County Public Library | 401 Kenton Lands Road Erlanger, KY 41018